


Serves: 4

  • 1 x full Turkish loaf

  • 4 x 80g minute steaks 

  • 50g rocket 

  • 2 x large tomatoes sliced 

  • 1 x large red onion (cut into rings 1cm)

  • 4 slices of cheddar cheese 

  • 1 bottle Meet the Aioli’s BBQ Burger Sauce 

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Sea salt / cracked pepper

  • 50ml balsamic vinegar 

Click play to watch Jamie make the recipe


  • Preheat Unox casa 180 

  • Cut Turkish loaf in half lengthways. (caste iron grittle) - keep turkish bread in a fridge forn ahour hour so so (hardens bread and easier to cut). Place on tray

  • Heat frypan (low to medium heat for 5 mins) with a little EVOO. Add onion rings and cook for a few minutes  until they soften. (slice thick rings).  

  • Add balsamic vinegar and reduce until onions become sticky. Remove onions from the pan and set aside. Add a bit of salt. 

  • Season the steaks on both sides with salt and pepper. Grab salt and pepper and bit of olive oil. Put olive oil in pan. (2 minutes either side) Salt pepper one side. Start to change colour, flip it over. Flip over, turn gas off and rest away.

  • Reheat the frypan, add the steaks and cook for two minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and rest. Lay both steaks onto the turkish. Place onions on top of steak. 

  • Lay both halves of the Turkish loaf on a baking tray, cut side up. Place steaks on the base of the loaf, top with onions and a slice of cheese.

  • Put open Turkish into the Unox casa to melt cheese and heat bread.

  • Remove form Unox casa - Build your steak sarnie 

    • Add Meet the Aioli’s  BBQ Burger Sauce to the lid of the sarnie

    • Add sliced tomatoes and rocket

    • Add a little more bbq burger sauce 

    • Close sarnie and cut into four 

    • EAT!!!


Chicken Spare Ribs with Greek Salad and Mint Yoghurt - Dezi Madafferi