Leftover Chicken Noodle Soup
Scott Pickett
Frame of a whole chicken already cooked
Water or chicken stock
Leftover veggies – potato, carrot, onion, celery – diced into small pieces – approx. handful of each
Herbs – thyme, bay leaves x 2
Greens – bok choy, broccolini, whatever is in the fridge
2 smashed cloves of garlic
6 Button Mushrooms (or any mushies in the fridge)
Salt & Pepper
150-200gm Macaroni pasta
Olive oil and Extra Virgin OO
Remove any remaining meat from the chicken frame and set aside
Chop frame into smaller pieces and place in a large pot and cover with water or chicken stock or half/half, and turn onto high heat.
Add vegies to pot, in order of cooking time – onion, potato, carrot, celery
Add thyme, bay leaves and garlic
Bring to a boil, and then turn down to simmer, and skim
Add pinch of salt & pepper
Cook for 30-40mins
Remove the chicken bones (don’t stress if a few small ones in there, just be careful when you are eating)
Add pasta and cook for 10-12mins
When pasta is cooked, chop your green and add along with shredded chicken meat.
Bring back to boil, season to take
Serve in bowls, drizzle with EV Olive Oil and sprinkle chopped herbs over the top.