Roasted Salmon with Shiitake Mushrooms, Coriander and Ginger
Scott Pickett
Salmon portions per person
250 Shiitake or any wild mushrooms
1 Coriander
Knob ginger, 2 garlic
1 Lemon
1 Shallot
50 grams Butter
1 tbsp Rice wine
1 tbsp Soy
40 mls Olive oil
Ask your fishmonger to pin bone, fillet and leave skin on
Leave Salmon in fridge overnight uncovered to dry out slightly
Place baking paper in bottom of heavy base pan and turn on to a gentle medium heat
Drizzle Olive Oil on paper
Season fish both sides and the place in pan, skin side down.
Allow salmon to cook gently for approx. 8-10mins. When cooked half way through, turn over for 30 secs and rest
While salmon is cooking, slice the mushrooms, finely slice shallots and roughly chop the coriander, leaving a few leaves aside for garnish.
Once Salmon is cooked, turn off heat and leave in pan to rest for 1-2mins and then remove from pan, remove paper, and turn heat back on
Add butter and a good glug of olive oil, and heat it to foaming stage.
Add mushrooms and saute for 30-60 secs
Add shallot and cook until soft
Microplane or grate ginger finely straight into pan (you can use dry ginfer, if you don’t have fresh, but use a ¼ of the quantity
Add a bit more butter and/or Olive oil if required
Once sizzling again add coriander, 1tbsp light soy, and 1tbsp rice wine vinegar
Add squeeze of lemon juice, there is no need to season, as we have added the soy.
To plate, place salmon on serving plates skin side up and spoon mushroom mixture and juices over the top. Garnish with coriander
Serve with sautéed boy choy or spinach, a rocket salad or Coleslaw.